
zeuls test:" What if you discover , that your doctor has the same problems as you are."
a) Change the doctor.
b) Trust the doctor even more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe a good doctor is not someone who has to cure -that's our own (or Gods?) "job"- but just somebody who KNOWS the pain, the fear, the doubts and problems, and understands what you're feeling??

And therefor, the best doctor ever could be the one who also suffered (and maybe even still does)and had/has the same problems and "diseases". He/she will be much more sensitive and able to accept...

A second test-question could be: "Does the doctor KNOW that he/she has those problems/diseases (= selfknowledge) or is he/she in denial and therefor not very trustworthy but rather 'dangereous' (= not sensitive enough)??"...